passeio dentro de ti
nesta cidade, muito guarda-segredos e cantinhos rarefeitos. inacessíveis. na pele colada de balões e bailarinas..


i watched as a ray of pale light. half nude, she clasped her hands. her feet trembled on the floor, as soft as they could be. danced from her mouth to her breast, like a fly on a flower. she had a soft, brusque laugh that broke into shining crystals - a pretty little laugh. kissed her delicate ankles. her feet ducked under her chemise; will you please stop it!…her eye trembled beneath my lips; they closed at my touch. her head went back; she cried. stopped her protest with a kiss and she laughed, low - a laugh that wanted more than this…her clothes were almost off; outside, a curious tree beat a branch at the window to see what it could see.
o que couber aí
é pequeno.
o que couber aí
é pequeno.
andar no cemitério é o que verdadeiramente nos torna velhos sem regresso. no limiar do perceptível que acontece aos olhos de quem se habitua ao movimento quase nenhum. lugar de uma incómoda vida. naquele sossego característico em que se deixam as coisas, começamos por ler as placas, ver as fotografias. medimos a distância da memória. incapazes de conservar tudo e todos. incapazes de sermos por tudo e de sermos por todos.
[a máquina de fazer espanhóis_valter hugo mãe]
[a máquina de fazer espanhóis_valter hugo mãe]
dancing downtown
your heart’s beating lighter
when the dream lights are turning on
you know who you are
................................. **
dream like there’s nothing to scream about
dancing downtown
your heart’s beating lighter
when the dream lights are turning on
you know who you are
................................. **
dream like there’s nothing to scream about
time stops
just for a moment
then again
it's only an instant

these tigers
made of paper..
your tigers made
of paper
....................... *
time stops
just for a moment
then again
it's only an instant

these tigers
made of paper..
your tigers made
of paper
....................... *
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